Sunday, November 1, 2009

bonjour people,

Hows life i hope all of ur are fine. i am also fine except the fact the school is too stressing. its killing my brain cells and also growing my knowledge. PHYSICS IS PRACTICALLY KILLING ME EVERY LESSON. BUT MUST STRIVE ON. muahahaha

And i just found out that LABS CAN BE SO STRESSING not because of the practicals. but the dreaded LAB REPORTS THAT WE have to do after ur labs session... it takes soo loong to do that lab reports that i nearly died from it.

but thats the not so fun part of labs. the fun part is the practical.. doing all sorts of things wearing lab coast and everything.. ahhaha. that is the fun thing.. i will upload some pictures i took. but i am not in the pictures it just is some of the equipment i used.